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On this week’s episode of “Simple Steps to Online Success” we’ll continue to talk about creating a membership site for your online business.
Over the past couple of weeks, I have covered whether a membership model might be the right choice for your business and what type of content should go in your membership.
But now we must address the elephant in the room…
The dreaded “T” word…
Tech πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜±
“Deanna, that’s great! A membership sounds like a great fit for my business, but, what do I NEED to have a membership site?”
As with all things tech, the answer is “it depends”.
(Yeah, I realize that you may hate that answer. But it’s true)
To start with, you really may not need much at all.
Join me when we discuss your blueprint to a successful membership site
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